
How Can I Sell Diamonds Online?

How Can I Sell Diamonds Online? Selling your diamonds online can be a profitable venture if you know how to do it right. Your best bet is selling to an authentic diamond dealer or wholesaler, as you can feel reassured that you are getting the best deal for your diamonds. So whether you’re a regular…


The Most Expensive Diamonds In the World

The Most Expensive Diamonds In the World Prized for their exquisite beauty, rarity, and durability, diamonds are considered the most valuable and sought after gemstones in the world. For centuries, diamonds have been used as symbols of wealth, status, and love. While all diamonds are precious, some are exceptionally rare and valuable, commanding prices that…


The 4 Main Types of Diamond

4 Main Types of Diamond Diamonds are among the most valuable and sought-after gemstones in the world. These precious stones are prized for their beauty, durability, and rarity. However, not all diamonds are created equally. In fact, there are four main types of diamond, each with its own unique characteristics and qualities. In this guide,…


Can You Sell Diamonds Online?

Can You Sell Diamonds Online? Do you have a diamond that you’re considering selling? You can sell your diamonds nowadays online very easily. But, it is important to ensure that when selling your diamond online that it is done safely. Specifically, you must ensure that you are selling your diamonds to an online reputable diamond…


Mistakes To Avoid When Selling Your Diamonds

Mistakes To Avoid When Selling Your Diamonds Selling your diamonds can seem a daunting task. Many people want to part ways with their diamond jewellery quickly either because of a relationship breakdown, to upgrade their current jewellery set or to access cash quickly. As a result, people often make mistakes when selling their pre-loved diamond…


10 Unknown Facts About Diamonds

10 Unknown Facts About Diamonds Over the years, diamonds have become synonymous with love, elegance, and wealth. But there’s more to the gemstones than we might initially realise. Formed in the age of the dinosaurs, diamonds have been around for a lot longer than humans, and continue to remain the symbol of love in modern…
